
What is Leaky Gut? - © FODMAP Everyday®

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What is Leaky Gut? - © FODMAP Everyday®

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‘Gut Leakiness’ Is An Observation, Not A Medical Diagnosis

Intestinal permeability is indeed a real occurrence, and the researchers who study it are still very much in the early stages of trying to understanding the complex mechanisms by which it is triggered, how best to even measure it, whether it causes certain diseases like Crohn’s—or whether it is actually being caused BY these diseases. This ebook separates fact from fiction. 

Written by Tamara Duker Freuman MS, RD, CDN, a New York-based dietitian whose clinical practice focuses on the dietary management of digestive and metabolic diseases. Her expertise is in helping identify the many possible causes of gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation and helping patients achieve symptom control and improved quality of life. She has a regular column on US News & World Report.

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